Monday, March 27, 2006


“é impressionante que o ser humano seja capaz de comunicar em tempo real com outro(s) ser(es) humano(s) a milhares de kms de distância mas, talvez mais impressionante ainda, seja a sua incapacidade de comunicar com o ser humano que está mesmo a seu lado, por vezes até na mesma cama”.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ferrel - 30 anos [en]

30 years ago, the people from Ferrel - Peniche and many other people fighting for life standed against what would be the first nuclear power plant in portugal. 30 years after, many of them where in Ferrel again to celebrate such unique event ... with them many of the children that during these 30 years were able to born in a nuclear free portugal, thanks to them parents fight. I was one of them and I was among those celebrating in the beautiful pleace of Ferrel, with such a beautiful Atlantic Coast just so nearby ...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

pensamento “du jour”

“Não há saudade mais dolorosa do que a das coisas que nunca foram”

Fernando Pessoa

Monday, March 13, 2006

thought “du jour” [en]

thought “du jour” [en]

“you are what you aren´t”