Wednesday, September 21, 2005

On uncanny spaces [en] – litera tunning

On uncanny spaces [en] – litera tunning

On similarities we can agree, but there are differencies, different places, homes of different worlds. Their name is for now verges. Verges are empty areas, abandoned, rooms left for room, unguarded, filled in with the air of hard-workers. The pong of workers, stinky working clothes, reboant, thundering work of machines, steam and dust, industrial world. Nowadays shelters for brown and white rats. Sometimes for bats. Sometimes even for people, there are two groups, two different inhabitants. One lives almost without anything, just with its glass and its verge. Another one is rich, paying big money for living in such reconstructed places. They are generally called brown fields. Expensive flats. These places are full of charge, possibly because they do not have many visitors. They are wittnesses, contemporaries, waiting for their thieves, as the others are waiting too.

(A great blog from a great friend from my czech days, frantinha)

litera tunning


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